11th March 2022 – Conciliation Best Practices & Templates

11th March 2022 – Conciliation: Best Practices & Templates

What was discussed?

  1. How and when is ‘conciliation’ as an option discussed with parties (both Complainant & Respondent)?
  2. What kind of terms can be proposed as conciliation?
  3. Discussing grey areas such as:
    • Is there a flip-side to conciliation?
    • What would you do if a party asks you about the probable terms that could be proposed as conciliation?
    • What if terms are prejudicial to a party?
    • What if terms are not feasible for the organization?
    • Does conciliation mean acceptance of guilt?
  4. Points to remember for drafting conciliation terms
  5. What happens after terms are signed? How are they implemented?
  6. Is there a difference between conciliation terms and conciliation report?
  7. What if a party wants to withdraw terms post conciliation?
  8. Templates and drafts:
    • Is there an ideal report format?
    • What are the best practices?
    • Is an agreement required? Is a note sufficient?
    • Is an undertaking required?

Time – 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Modality: Virtual

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