Madras High Court Orders State To Issue Covid Certificate To The Families Who Lost Their Member Due To COVID 19

On 8th July 2021, The Madras High Court in the case of HA. Shrirajalakshmi v. The Chief Secretary to Government, issued directions to the State Government to issue an additional certificate stating the cause of death due to virus (In addition to death certificate) to the families of those people who have succumbed to COVID 19. The court noticed that several deaths in the state were not being accurately recorded and also the death certificates issued did not specify COVID 19 as cause of death.

The court took reference of the Supreme Court’s order delivered on 30th June 2021, in which the court directed the state governments to indicate “death due to COVID” in the death certificates of people who succumbed to COVID 19. This indication will help the families of such deceased to get access to various schemes and compensation given by the Government of India.

Thus the court ordered the State Government to take the required steps and ensure that the family of every person who dies due to COVID 19 receives appropriate document which states the reason of death. This will thereby help the families to claim the benefits announced by the government thereof.

– Animesh Raizada, Intern

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