Complaint Boxes against 'Sexual Harassment at Workplace'

Complaint Boxes against ‘Sexual Harassment at Workplace’ installed at Allahabad High Court

As a new initiative, several complaint boxes have been installed at both the benches of the Allahabad High Court i.e., Principal bench and Lucknow bench. The step has been taken to make the complaint filing process smoother for women employees against instances of sexual harassment.

An order to this effect has been issued on January 7, 2022. Now the female employees of the High Court can lodge their complaints in the box available anywhere nearby. Till now, there was no such arrangement in the court premises. 

According to the notice issued by the Allahabad High Court Complaint Cell, the action has been taken for providing a smooth facility to complainants to file their complaints under the purview of ‘The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

The location of such complaint boxes also include:

  • Outside the office of the Registrar General, High Court Allahabad.
  • Outside the office of the Senior Registrar, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow.
  • Protocol office at High Court, Allahabad and its Bench at Lucknow.
  • Employees’ canteen.
  • Behind reception desk of C.IT. Building.
  • Mediation Cente
  • Advocates’ Canteen of High Court, Allahabad and its Bench at Lucknow.
  • Lobby of Lucknow Bench near the escalator.

The notice also mentions the email-id of the Presenting Officer of ‘Internal Complains Committee’, where such complaints can be sent as ‘‘.

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