
25th Mar 2022 – POSH Compliance & Implementation: Have Things Changed?

This Program is for Employers (Management, Leaders, HR, L&D, Legal & Compliance Heads who take decisions regarding the implementation of this Law at the Workplace) to learn more about:

  • Role as Leaders under Law & Tone at the Top
  • Compliance Requirements under Law
  • Things to keep in mind as Decision Maker in New Normal
  • Grey Areas under Law & What Decision Makers must Deliberate On
  • Strategizing on Challenging Scenarios
  • Why complying with this Law even in current times may be important
  • Non-compliance: Are there any Implications?
  • How do Courts respond to Non-Compliance?
  • Looking at Healthy Measures & Good Practices

Give-Aways: Checklist of Compliance Requirements

Modality: Virtual

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