Financial assistance for Advocates

Financial Assistance of Rs 1 Crore Has Been Sanctioned By Jammu and Kashmir For Advocates During Covid-19

On 29th June 2021, in the case of M. Abubakar Pandit v. Union Territory of JK & Ors., the Jammu and Kashmir High Court took notice of the adverse effects on the legal profession due to restrict in functioning of the courts. In this regard the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir has announced financial assistance of Rs. 1 Crore in the favour of advocates. The advocates who work in different courts of Jammu and Kashmir will come under the said financial assistance.

Additional Secretary Jammu and Kashmir Government has directed the Register General of J&K High Court to issue the cheque of the said amount. The court has also issued directions to the Register General to release the said amount to the deserving lawyers who have applied for the same before. This will ensure timely assistance and support.

This issue came up when an advocate namely M. Abubakar Pandit prayed in High Court for the financial aid of Rs. 25,000/- to the lawyers who are practicing before the District Courts and the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir. Earlier the High Court had already directed the Administration to showcase their stand on releasing of financial aid to the lawyers who were adversely affected due to Coronavirus lockdown.

– Animesh Raizada, Intern

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