Undercounting Of COVID 19 Deaths

Orissa High Court Seeks District-Wise Death Data In Case of Undercounting Of COVID 19 Deaths

On 23rd June 2021, in the case of Nishikanta Mishra vs State Of Odisha & Others, The Orissa High Court on Wednesday has asked the State, that whether they have enquired about the undercounting of the death toll due to COVID 19. The court has asked the government to submit response regarding this by 5th July 2021. Although the court also highlighted the fact that the petition has been filed in haste after getting influenced with media reports. Alongwith this the court noticed that the petitioner was representing Additional Chief Secretary of Health, but the petition was filed without his formal permission.

Taking the above circumstances the court refused to entertain the petition, however the court took up the issue of undercounting of deaths caused due to COVID 19. In this regard the court asked the Advocate General to take into the details regarding the COVID 19 deaths as available on the website of Chief District Medical Officer, Nayagarh. Also the AG was directed to inform the court that whether the issue of undercounting is being enquired by the Additional Chief Secretary, Health as the said claim is in relation to the official figures and facts.

Talking about the said petition, the High Court observed that the said PIL is not in compilation with the High Court PIL rules, as it has been filed in a very casually with sketchy facts. Thus the petition was thereby dismissed the said petition. Alongwith this, the court ordered the state to place district wise position of the COVID 19 deaths on next date under this writ petition.

– Animesh Raizada, Intern, POSHequili

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